Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Book Talk 9

April 23, 2013

This week, I read Chicken Sunday by Patricia Polocco. This story is about a little girl and her neighbors Winston and Stewart and their gramma. Every Sunday, the four of them go to church. On the way home, they pass this hat store and gramma admires a hat that she would like to have, but she cannot buy. When they finally get home, gramma makes the kids fried chicken for dinner. The kids feel like they want to repay gramma by buying her the hat that she wants. The kids count their money and do not have enough. They go down to the shop and ask the shop owner if there is anything they can do to earn the money. When the store owner opens the door, he sees these kids standing there wanting to talk to him meanwhile some other kids are running away. The store owner also sees eggs that the kids running threw at his door. Winston, Stewart and the neighbor girl are blamed for the egg throwing and now have to earn the shop owner's trust again. The little girl is from the Ukraine, and suggests that they paint Ukranian eggs to give and sell at the hat shop. The shop owner agrees. Soon the shop is full of people and the kids earn enough money. At the end of the day, the shop owner walks up with a hat box and gives the kids the hat that gramma wants, because they did the right thing and tried too make things right between gramma, the shop keeper and them.


  1. I love this book because I think i can teach a great lesson to the children about proving your innocents, and being kind to your elders. I think this book is really diverse, and shows a different type of culture. I also really like that the plot is about the grandchildren attempting to do a good act, but accidentally get caught in the middle of a bad act. I think it is so interesting and the children would like it as well.

  2. It is very important for the children to understand to respect people that are older than them. I think that you could do many things with this book. I also think that this book is neat because it shows different cultures like Jessica said!

  3. I loved this book and what it represented UNITY amongst children. I loved the idea of multiculturalism and diversity within the story. This also can teach respect for older people and respect to the children as well.
